CSC Chigamik
Community Health Centre
Midland, Ontario
The CSC Chigamik Community Health Centre is a significant new addition to the town of Midland, Ontario. Perched on a prominent site just outside of the town centre, the building occupies green space adjacent Edgehill Park. Set in this beautiful context, it takes its position gracefully tucked into the side of hill and draws from the natural features in the choice of exterior cladding; wood siding and clay brick. The exterior also features a louvered screen encircling the perimeter and perched prominently above the front entry. It filters natural and artificial light, recalling the presence of sunlight through a forest.
At forty thousand square feet, this large facility is kept to two storeys to limit vertical circulation and accommodate ease of exiting. The design includes a central spine which organizes space, defines the primary circulation, creates an opportunity to admit natural light, and allows for some interesting geometries to be resolved within and around the rooms and open spaces. The day use clinic is a shared facility with two community partners specializing in the delivery of mental health services to indigenous and non-indigenous clients. Many of the buildings amenity spaces are shared: physiotherapy, conference, community kitchen and gathering rooms, youth programming space, etc.. Washrooms are gender neutral, and common spaces accommodate the particular needs of children, parents and persons with disabilities. Several rooms are designated for smudging to serve indigenous ceremony. The facility is intended to create a welcoming place for clients, staff and the community at large.