Rizzardo Health & Wellness Centre
Innisfil, Ontario
The Rizzardo Health & Wellness Centre is a multi-disciplinary health and wellness centre that will provide residents of Innisfil and surrounding areas access to high-quality healthcare services, such primary care, a walk-in clinic, diagnostic imaging, laboratory services, pharmacy, dentistry and physiotherapy. The building acts as a catalyst for wellness, set within the Rotary trail system of the Town campus and is paired with the adjacent Innisfil recreational complex (IRC).
The experience of the user was considered from the moment they enter the campus and set foot on the grounds. Landscaping allows for future continuation of the trail network, creating connections between the school to the North with the Health Hub and on to the IRC to the south. The intent of the entire design, inside and out is to minimize the stress and discomfort of a medical appointment by providing opportunities for calm or distraction and simplified passive way-finding. Natural light and open spaces enhance the user experience, while framed views of the adjacent landscape create connections back to the environment, providing for calm and repose.